Monday, June 24, 2024

Another Half Time:



They had reduce the Skill Cool Down by half, so it had allow us to spam skill faster. Previously we can only spam skill when we use Cool Down Reduction, now we only need MP Steal or a lot of Mana Potion to ensure we got enough MP to spam the skill. I only notice the changes for Knight initially, but after a day later I notice the same had been done for Rogue too.


There had been a lot of changes since the new patch, they had increase the target for Pet AOE from 5 to 25. But after trying it out with Tairan Daily, it is still weak as compare to previous time. They had also remove Laca Ball for Maze Token, Extreme Juno Token, Castle Siege Token, Royal Aphelion Token and Wooden Key, it is a bad decision as we are unable to choose the stuffs we want and get everything randomly.

Some players might like it as we can clear the token faster like the Moon Stone, but I personally still prefer the freedom of choice for the old version. We also have to spend gold buying the box from Merchant Geres NPC which kind of will reduce the amount of gold in game greatly in long run. 

Have seen a lot of new players quit after they reach Level 165, they do not understand why they are only given an option of doing Four Realm Quest instead of given a freedom of choice to level by different way they wish. A lot of players also decide to remain at Level 185 or 200 as leveling become hard and slow after that, they just AFK most of the time as they can already do most of the stuffs they need at that level.

It feel like the private server is slowly transforming into official server while the official server is slowly transforming into private server. With a trend like this a lot of players might decided to quit private server and go back to official server.

Light Angel had been trying to buy all kind of token at about 3M to 5M, that is lower than half the market price. There are a lot of players who are doing the same and a few of them actually sell their stuff cheap like Moza Lito on official server too. Only a few behave like Zed on official server where they buy stuffs at cheaper price and try to resell them at higher price.

P.S.: Found out that the Skill Cool Down is due to the Accessory Seal.

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