Monday, June 10, 2024

Star Trek The Final Frontier:


Manage to get about 40 Platinum Blessed Iris, 8.5K XP Booster and 740 Socket Reset Card with Wooden Key, and we are not surprise that they turn back on their word again and decided to end the Wooden Key Laca on Monday instead of permanent as they had promised, The price of Wooden Key had increase from 1M to 5M, and it will still worth about 4M after the Laca end because now we only need 250 of it to trade for Gold Key.

We believe they would also end the Curse Heart Laca too as it will also affect the economy, it will be fair to both low and high level players as both Laca cater to different group. Some high level players even prefer to farm Wooden Key with their Noob Alternate as they find the rewards for Wooden Key Laca are more appealing and useful to them.

Make a few changes to adapt to the new situation, first is to use my Buff Toons for Merchant as got too may stuffs to sell. They can be in Party and do Buffs without closing the Merchant Mode Window, only the one that need to Mount Knightmare will need to close the Merchant Mode. Due to the new changes I will need to speed up the leveling of another Horse and Dragon, the Dragon is just to fulfill the dream of having Twin Dragon Shop which I have during Aeria time.

Been trying out using my Raid Boss Hunter for Pet Leveling, the Level 33 Royal Knight is not that suitable due to low hit rate but the Level 53 Assassin and Level 75 Royal Knight can do it at both Dratan ad Merac and kill Boss when it spawn. With the new setup it would increase the efficiency for selling stuff and pet leveling, it will also help in Farming or Leveling of other toon as they can receive buffs anytime.

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