Sunday, June 30, 2024

Class Skill:


They are focusing on making Emote for dancing move,  kind of useless to most players. Mostly focus on leveling Horse and my farming toon, whole server seem dead quiet until Mother Nature is back. Most players are going on their summer vacation as usual, and only a few regular one are farming for Curse Heart for Laca just to get as many high level jewel as they can. Item Drop Booster seem to be in great demand because of that and the price had increase to become higher than Experience Booster.

My Buff and Merchant Toon setup seem to be very effective, but as I did not really use them much I just try it out for a week and resume back to weekend active as before. Avatar keep wanting a Level 57 Horse, but he don't really play much these days other than log on for Attendance I don't see the point of him trying so hard just to get one. It will be more of a white elephant to him and it will just be something to show off to other as not much players had it, but as a lot of players are leveling it now it will become a very common item in a few months.


Mr yl ask if Elementalist is good for PVE, as nobody seem to response to him and I am doing my Tairan Daily with my Elementalist at that moment I just try to reply to him. My theory is that all class have dual class which is good for either PVE or PVP, that is how the game had been design to work. So Specialist will be better for PVE while Elementalist will be better for PVP.

I also go on to say that Wizard is better for PVE while Witch is better for PVP, it is mainly due to their skill as Wizard and Specialist AOE Skill work better while Witch Stone Skill and Elementalist Spirit Summon work better for PVP. The same goes for Archer better for PVE while Cleric better for PVP, or Royal Knight better for PVE while Temple Knight better for PVP.

I am not so sure about Rogue and Titan as most prefer Ranger and Warmaster for both, but I think Assassin is better for PVE due to the Death Motion and Taunt Skill and Highlander is better for PVP due to higher HP and Perfect Body Skill. But Warmaster Bellow Skill is almost the same as Witch Stone Skill so I could be wrong about that. I had only seen a few who prefer using Assassin for PVP as they like the skills better, but overall still a lot of player prefer using Ranger due to it's range attack.

Both Mr yl and Ankou laugh at my theory and Ankou claim that both Elementalist and Specialist are good for both PVE and PVP depend on how we use it, but they didn't really play all class like me and Anti so it will still be a slap in their own face when they only play those popular class and assume they know it better.

I had been an Engineer most of my life and we are always paying attention to minor details to figure out why certain thing are design the way they are, we also work like scientist and record a lot of data to analyze before we jump into conclusion. I can create two completely similar toon and spend a lot of time killing few thousand of mobs just to prove the drop rate for normal server and recommended server are the same, the drops also allow me to calculate the chance of getting different type of moonstone from moonstone box.

It take a lot of patient and diligent and that is a valuable quality that not many people had, this is also something that a Beta Tester must have and most players just want to skip through most part of the game and judge other on the numbers of max level toon they have. It end up that they would not realise the finer detail of the game design and would not be able to help newbie as they themselves had skip through that part when they first started.

This is the same reason why harvest tool had to be separate into different class as they are using the weapon slot and can upgrade with tool aid like weapon using upgrade stone. The only thing I haven't figure out the reason for it is why Artifact is design as an Accessory instead of gear like Back Pack, it could be due to the ability for Accessory to be combine which the Back Pack cannot fulfill the same requirement.

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