Monday, July 1, 2024

A Bug's Life:



Light Angel had slowly become another Ankou, he try to chase me away by spawning Ice Boss at first on my Royal Knight in the morning when I am trying to complete my Tairan Daily Quest. He later spawn Decendor of the Devil on my Elementalist in the afternoon, but it doesn't really affect me much and I manage to kill 3 Boss and get some drop for free. Elementalist is one of the weakest toon in all my alternate but it only kill slow and doesn't really take any damage from the Boss, the only issue is the Stone Effect will remove the buff and got to rebuff often or counter it with Buff Lock.

I could switch to other stronger toon to kill it and then switch back to complete my daily quest, but I notice there is another toon which could be his alternate trying to kill it too. He also slowly become like Zed which try to buy stuffs at lower than market price and try to resell them at higher price, but at least he is buying tokens for Laca Ball and selling the stuffs he get from it.

Discover a Bug when trying out the Summer Pet Scorpion and Cockatrice, it is very similar to the Titan Pet AOE giltch. Notice that it activate the Shout of Concentration Buff Skill instead of AOE Skill, decided to switch over to Titan and notice the same. The glitch become normal after I relog, but the same glitch still remain for Titan.

There is another Bug which affect both server, it happen when you try to use skill on mob when they are at a location that is blocked or bugged. Usually the common solution will be using another skill which buff yourself so that it will cancel the last skill, but it is not very effective and fail most of the time and had to relog to fix it. The new method I use seem to be more effective and work most of the time by pressing the Tab Key to switch the target to  other mob nearby which is not blocked or bugged.

By discovery of this method, I realized that I can play normally without using the mouse to click for target. And other players might be able to bot if they setup a macro which alternate between tab and skill key or attack key. At the moment I had seen a lot of players using key jamming using those class with targetless AOE Skill, so AFK farming is still possible even after they Nerf the Pet AOE.

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