Friday, July 26, 2024

Raid Boss Hunter:


Complete another Level 97 Ex Ranger just a day after I complete the Level 67 Royal Knight, it had become easy to level with the Legendary Iris and Experience Booster. I am only using Level 60 +15 Gear and keep spamming skill with Cool Down Reduction and HP and MP Steal.

Try it out on Goldie, the attack still weak like the Level 87 Witch but the defense seem better maybe because of evasion. So far only the Level 67 Royal Knight seem to perform up to my expectation, guess those map from Egeha onwards doesn't really good for farming as the mobs are harder to kill.

But only two Raid Boss are enough to keep me occupied, so Kami will become back up for Balrog if too many players are hunting them. Not sure why a lot of players doesn't like to hunt Kami, maybe it is because it is the hardest due to the magical attack.

Now I got two options to choose for all the four raid boss, it should be able to cover for most of the events. The most troublesome one are still Halloween and Anniversary as they require mob to be same level to drop, all the other events still drop good with green mobs.

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