Sunday, July 7, 2024



4th of July Event had started, we had 150% Drop Rate, 500% Experience and a lot of Server Buff. As usual the overlap in both events had cause our inventory to be insufficient to cater for the stuffs we get from drops, but we are still happy as they are going to improve the buff for Stars and Stripes on next patch.

Black Dead is whining about Server Buff not getting 2 full hours, it ended about 35 mins after he received it on one of his toon. I try to explain to him about how the new buff doesn't overwrite the old buff if it is not finished, but he insisted that both his toon had been in party with each other so it is not possible. But he did mentioned that the party with the other toon is on and off and not constant, so I don't know why it is such a big deal about one of his toon not receiving full buff.

I had known him from the start as lancelot, he later also reviled his other alternate as customizer. He had join Gonads I Am King guild before the migration and recently join Light Bringer. I remember him mentioned about being a Eurasian working in Hong Kong but later claim he is from Malaysia, his inconsistent in his words had made me doubt about his true identity.

He used to be a very humble guy trying to sell low level gear drop, but kind of became more proud and arrogant as he level to higher level. Same like Moza Lito they had become a Narcissist and start to show their toxic personality as time pass. They like to think they are always right and doesn't care whether what they are doing actually benefits others, they only care about their own and doesn't really bother about other.

Narcissist is a term from Narcissus which is Greek God of Vanity, he admire his own look at reflection from a pool of water and die with a flower grow in his place. The best way to deal with them is to ignore them and let them suffer the consequences of their own actions. I have grow up to encounter a lot of their kind and realized it is not worth the effort to reasons with them as they will never agree with other.
There is a new player named Whis, he is having a hard time trying to farm some pictorial book stuff. As I am running Legendary Skill Pill for SP Farming at Procyon Temple, I can only wait for it to finish before I log my other toon to give him the stuffs he need. Most of the stuffs are harder to get like Dire Wolf Scroll, Twig, Horn Beast Hide, Drake Scale and Thick Liquid, the only stuffs that are easy to get is Blade as he had already level pass it.
I told him to make a new toon to farm for those other stuffs and  told him it will be easier to farm it during Christmas Event when we got 4 times drop rate buff. Finally complete the redo of all my farming toon, now I just need to sort out the stuffs and farm for some which I am short of after giving them to Whis.

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