Monday, July 29, 2024

Insect Collection:


Insect Collection Event had start, but this time they change the rewards. As they remove the Chaos Smelting Stone, both me and god doesn't think it is worth our time. The rewards are as follows:

1-25 Super Haste x 2 (12M)

26-40 Medium Med x 10 (150M)

41-55 Strong Med x 10 (250M)

56-70 SPB x 25 (250M)

71-85 IDB x 10 (150M)

86-100 XPB x 10 (150M)

101-115 HP Steal (200M)

116-120 MP Steal (200M)

121-125 Plat Adrenaline x 2 (800M)

126-130 Red Pouch x 10 (500M)

131-159 Curse Removal x 10 (500M)

160 JPS x 3 (1.2B)

From the above breakdown of the rewards, seem like Strong Med, SPB, Plat Adrenaline and JPS are better. But it is very hard to get 160 points, so I guess more players will just go for Strong Med while I would go for Plat Adrenaline.

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