Monday, July 29, 2024





Use the Level 120 Jump Box on Night Shadow, Witch and Ex Ranger, going to level Night Shadow to Level 121. The Witch will go Level 137 and the Ex Ranger will go Level 164. There is another War Master which I am going to level up to Level 111, after that I will have all the toon at different level to farm gear.

Finally manage to get another horse to Level 57, will be leveling a lot of horse until all the regular is able to give horse buff to most players. I have been doing whatever that benefit the majority, Avatar told me he still got Stone of Wise left over after giving buff for 5 months. Now I am wondering why Zed manage to finish it in just a month when I didn't even seen him buff other players much, Hannah refuse to accept the Stone of Wise but she already got a lot of pet from me. 

I had given the same to Kry after seeing her running to NPC to buy it everytime she give buff, I still got more than enough to give buff myself and should last for a year or so. My highest record is giving 4 rounds of buff recently on yesterday morning as there are too many players that need it and most buffer are not around. Usually about 1 or 2 round should be enough to provide for most players, but it seem like a lot of new players had appear some from Osiris while some are return player from Aeria time.

Still haven't seen any of my old friend return yet, there are a few that play with their family but after chatting with them for some time I found out I didn't know them from Aeria time. There is a girl which I thought is Sirynda when she told me her mom also playing, and another guy which I thought was Psycho son when he say his father use to play.

It is good to see a lot of old players return, but those coming from Osiris seem to be causing a lot of drama on both side. Most of the time they demand other to give them free stuffs and make empty promise that they will repay the kindness when they level up, but some might also be those unpopular players alternate create to scam other.

From the sales of skill book, there seem to be an increase of player for Royal Knight, as for the other server is seem to be Titan and Elementalist. This is mainly depend on new patch which make certain class much better, I hope this trend will continue as it is benefit the server with more variety of different class and not having a few popular class which dominate the whole server. It will make the gear for certain class harder to get and make it more expensive and rare as everybody would want it.  

I had start stocking up on Quick Healing and Mana Potion and Mineral recently, it is just a gut feeling like what I use to do for Skill Book and HP Steal Accessory right after Migration. The same goes for World Cup Festival Box when they are cheap during the event, actually I did stock up on Quick Mana Potion just before Migration but I had give most of it to Zed. I am not sure if he really share them with Gonads and his guild, but from my previous encounter with him I highly doubt so.


Speedy is trying to farm for stuffs for Pictorial Book with his Archer Arrow Go Brr Brr, guess he is starting to get bored of all the Kill Steal on Wonder or Summer Map. He didn't know where to find Dark Orb as Prokion Temple had become Constellation Crypt, he didn't understand well and went to Death Goddess instead.

The low level AOE Skill Book doesn't seem to sell well after they increase the drop rate for it, I can almost able to get for all class during my daily run. Compare to previous time I can only get about 25% to 30% of what I get now, guess another source of income getting destroy after the pet business.

The version II skill book seem to sell well after they remove the Frost Core Map, I got few millions of Online Time Point to get the Skill Book Box to top up my stock if I manage to sold out all. So with the skill book I stock up before the patch, it should be able to earn about 500B to 1T of gold daily for a year or so before I start using my Online Time Point.

P.S.: Beef Thong had been arguing with me about how the server recognize our IP Address, I told him that different device is using different IP while he keep insisting that the IP is common for all through the Router. I had provide a lot of different situation to prove that I am right but he just keep insist that he know better.

A very good example is that a lot of players had been playing with their family member together, husband and wife or parent with children. And there is also an temporary IP Ban when we switch channel too often, and this issue can be resolve by some players by turning off and turning on their Router again.

Another very obvious situation is that when we try to open more than 3 client on one pc it will prompt us that we had already open too many client, but when we try to open a few more on other pc it doesn't prevent us from doing so or prompt any warning.

All I can say is that ignorance is a bliss and never argue with an idiot, they will just drag you down to their level and beat you with experience. A few of them had been ganging up and try to bully other players, I think I am being targeted after I try to defend Avatar.

They can do whatever they like but they will regret some day, they only respect those who had a lot of max level toon and look down on low level farmer like me. Soon they will chase away a lot of players and the server will be dead with them playing by themselves.

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