Thursday, July 25, 2024

Optimize Setting:



Create a few new Level 60 toons for pet leveling and farming at Temple of Forgetfulness, the Wizard and War Master should perform well with AOE. Not sure what to do with the Archer and the Specialist at the moment, but i am sure they will be useful in the future. After trying out pet leveling with both my Skippy and Kami Hunter, I decided to create two Ex Ranger for pet leveling. Having range attack can position them at a distance which allow more location, the level will be just nice so that it will not cause too much damage and also not make pet hungry fast.

With three Eye of Spirit, the hit rate is high enough that doesn't miss like my raid boss hunter. I can also keep it continuously working without any disruption to kill raid boss. I had also created another Kami Hunter at Level 67, at least it can farm on Sphinx while it try to spawn Kami. Although it might not be as effective as the original Kami Hunter, but at least it will be able to get drop from mobs as they are not blue.

I am considering whether to create another more effective Ex Ranger Goldie Hunter at Level 97, or just continue using my Level 87 Witch as it can also get drop from mobs as it try to spawn Goldie. The only problem with it is that it still getting damage from mob even though it is wearing +30 Armor Set, it also take long time to kill the boss due to lower attack. The situation will become worst after they remove the Elemental System, so I foresee I will still be using Balrog and Skippy Hunter more for most event.


Light Angel had been trying to cheat by party with his Alternate Hello Castro 2 at Tairan Center for Daily Quest, I am not sure why he need so much token or gold for. It is same like Zed or Moza Lito on official server, what is the point of having so much stuffs and gold while a lot of players dislike you. Moza Lito recently got a few of her old account back, she had been trying to sell a lot of stuffs at cheap price. But I do not understand why she would want to keep buying a lot of stuffs which I don't think she will be using, I am doubtful about her motive until it can be proven wrong.

Game Sage Mine Lyric had been trying to do Hide and Seek like previous time but no player seem to response, I took some time off from Immortal Boss to help a bit. Not surprise that Ankou and his Alternate Absynth are the first to find us, I told Game Sage that it had been so since I join the server and he told me he will try to investigate further. I think having players who try to cheat and exploit the system had cause a lot of other players to shy away from most event, if they do not do anything to improve the situation the server will be dead in no time.

What is the point of being the richest player with the most stuffs when all other players quit and you were all alone with nothing to show, all the gold and stuffs you have would be worthless when the server is dead with no other players. I had not been very active since I hand over most of my stuffs to Speedy, I guess I am going into semi retirement after I found someone else to take over the helping of newbies.

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