Friday, July 22, 2022

Dumb Ass:

Met a stupid player on T5 named LudwigVH, he claim that I Kill Steal his Grand Balrog. He is using a low level Titan named Hendrick to kill Elder Drake, it had to stack all the 5 buffs from Drake Egg in order to survive. I could have easily mob kill him if I want, but I buff him instead with Divine Shield to increase his defense.

It was also killing very slow, so I predict it must had been doing that for few hours. I arrive at the location and start my hunt, within minutes the Grand Balrog spawn. I manage to kill it before the high level Knight arrive, he was riding his Knightmare Mount searching high and low for Grand Balrog.

After some time he realise that I had already kill it, I was already collecting Drake Egg when he arrive. He seem very upset about it, I try to trade with him to transfer the drops to him but was rejected. He thought he had been working so hard for few hours to make it spawn, and he didn't even bother to switch to other server to try his luck.

I went to other server to continue my hunt, I thought maybe if Grand Balrog spawn in other server I can whisper for him to come and kill it. I manage to get Grand Balrog to spawn at the third server after that, but I am unable to get him on chat as he might be offline.

I got no choice but to kill it myself, I was lucky enough to get Tears of Knight Rare Accessory drop from it. Guess heaven bless those who are good, I always kill Grand Balrog and leave the drops for my guildie who are farming for Skill Point at Sasquatch near Hunter Drenior.

A Level 94 Rogue name Longshot start a chat with me, she told me her Guild are not active and the Guild Master had been offline for a week and the Guild Advisor had been offline for a month. She decided to let her Level 9 Mage named TheEvilWithin to join my Guild.

She later even let her Level 90 Night Shadow join my Guild too, and I think the Level 9 Knight is also one of her sub. One of the Level 9 Titan seem to be her Apprentice, and I also had a Apprentice who join the Guild. I think I met her at the other server as I saw her collecting Drake Egg and buff me with Hard Boil as usual, her Rogue is named SexyPigs. She told me that she will also buff my friend and his guildies if she happen to see them.

Manage to sell my Wooden Treasure Key at 300K each to a high level Specialist named ZeeD at T3, saw a lot of players selling it at about 500K to 1M. Guess the high level need potions from the Wooden Treasure Chest, mange to earn 60M with 200 keys sold.

Manage to get a +19 Master Stone from Laca Ball with Gold Token, too bad it is at Server E. If it was at Server T, I would have sold it and become a Trillionare. It is able to get the gear to +17 when use it with NPC Maiya, players are able to get +30 Master Stone with monthly password change.

 4 Billions:

Manage to sell 1300 Tool Aid at 500K each, make 650M overnight. Now my wealth had reach 4B, saw some Chaos Stone selling at 180M but so far still haven't found any Lucky Stone at 50M. I will just wait and observe longer to see if the price will drop further, no rush for it until I decide to level up my toon to 53.

Got 3 Summon Book from Moonstone Statue with Perfect Moonstone, will be able to carry out Operation Tele Tubby again. Got more of it on other server with Teleport Book too, but not much use for it.

So far the only tradable stuff is the Cool Down Potion, saw other players selling it at 40M. Platinum Stone Remover, HP and MP Booster and Blessed Iris are non tradable so I got to use it myself.


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