Saturday, July 16, 2022

Insect Collection:

 The Insect Collection Event had started, never knew about it until I saw the insect drop before me. I had to teleport back to town to buy the Collection Box from Lorrein, the Grand Balrog also spawn just before I do that.

The different insect give different points, the more points you collect the better is the reward. You can take it easy and get 56 points for one Moonstone, or you can try to get 101 points for 3 Perfect Moonstone.

I usually throw those 1 point Bee, 2 to 3 point Butterfly and 4 to 5 points Dragonfly, only keep those insects which are 6 points and above. You can just fill up the box first with whatever insect you got and then later remove those that you doesn't want when the box is full.

The other prize are kind of impossible to me as you need a lot of luck to find rare insects, but the 126 points which give 3 Chaos Smelting Stone seem very tempting to me.

Some players like to go for the 26 points Sour Plum which is like Lucky Scroll which increase drop rate or 41 points Water Melon Slice which is like Experience Scroll but lesser percentage.

As the event will be on for a week, it kind of push my schedule back by two weeks for the Newbie Guide. My original plan is to start on 4th August, but seem like I will only be able to start it on 18th August if there are not further delay. 


Halfway There:

Manage to get my third Billion after two weeks, really ran out of stuffs to sell. Manage to get 6 Extreme Stone at 5 Millions each, so far the cheapest Lucky Stone is 55 Millions and Chaos Stone is 200 Millions. I will keep observing until I manage to find Lucky Stone at 50 Millions and Chaos Stone at 180 Millions before I buy it.

Actually it is more worth it to buy it from Item Mall as Lucky Stone will cost about 15 Millions and Chaos Stone will cost about 50 Millions. But I am not sure why the Upgrade Package of 6 Lucky Stone, 6 Chaos Stone and 1 Extreme Stone is only available in the Recommended Server.

Guess they are trying to make thing easy for new players, but so far I didn't see much active players on the Recommended Server. Most players will switch over to the other server after they are familiar with the game, as there are more active and experience players in the other server.

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