Friday, October 14, 2022

Castle Siege:


Guild Advisor:"We should take part in Castle Siege."
Me:"That is Mission Impossible."
Guild Advisor:"Well, Mission Difficult will be a Walk in the Park."
Me:"There are only two of us against the whole guild."
Guild Advisor:"This is Spartan!"
Double Drop Event on Saturday and Double Experience and Skill Point on Sunday, got to plan for the best toon to do drop farming. Since Guild Advisor want to participate in Castle Siege, I will have to give him my full support no matter how crazy the idea sound.
Since he doesn't use Discord and I haven't got the chance to meet him in game, I can only use the Guild Notice to inform him of the Events. That is what I do for the last Upgrade Event too, and due to our different time zone it is going to be the most effective way to inform him of anything upcoming.
Manage to get two apprentice, one of them is really new to the game and I had spend quite a lot of time to guide him in the basic of the game. The other one seem experience enough and know about XP Lock and SP Farm, so I do not have to worry much.

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