Monday, October 10, 2022



I predict that the price of Heaven Stone will double during the Upgrade Event, sure enough there are already a lot of players start selling it at double the price even before the event start. Since there is an increase of events recently, I predict there will be more events in days to come.
If according to my previous experience 12 years ago, the Upgrade Event will happen again in a few months. Most likely it will be held every three months, so the next one will be around January next year. The success rate will also be increase to 175% and 200% later as the event progress, so it is really not necessary to rush the upgrade of gears so soon.
There might be Game Master Buff during the Halloween and Xmas Event again as it had happen during the Independence Day. There will most likely be a Double Pet Experience and Jewel Upgrade Event in near future from the look of it, players just had to check on the Item Mall Sale to get an idea of what will be the coming event after the update.

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