Saturday, October 8, 2022

Paying It Forward:


Gonads need Erebus Set for Knight, since I am not using soon I might as well let him have it. As there is a Double Experience Point and Skill Point Event on Saturday and 150% Upgrade Event on Sunday from 1200 hrs to 1800 hrs, it will be a good time for him to upgrade the gears. I even give him the 30 Lucky Stone and 15 Chaos Stone which he require to get it to +15.
Guess he had some Chaos Stone, Extreme Stone and Heaven Stone for the remaining upgrade, and he give me 10 Advance Grade Reformer and 2B to thank me for the Erebus Set and Upgrade Stones. He doesn't believe that there are nice people who give out stuffs and help other, but I had make him believe in it and he will do the same for other and make this game better for everybody.

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