Friday, May 31, 2024

Avatar The Last Airbender:


Recent Patch had remove the Elemental System,  a lot of players are not happy about that. Mob are harder to kill now as the Base Attack and Defense is no longer 2 times due to the previous Elemental Advantage. They did a few emergency reboot and patch to fix some of the issues that occur due to the recent patch, it goes to show that they never really test it before they launch the patch.

One of the patch is to increase the PVE Damage by 50% to compensate for the remove of the Elemental System, but taking away 100% and give back 50% kind of remind me of the story of giving chicken wing and take back the whole chicken. A lot of players are going to quit and I foresee mass migration to private server.

Had manage to Level Up my Lizard Ruv to Evolution 3 to become Godzilla and Polar Bear to Iorek Byrnison, decided to level a second one and slowly build an army of Godzilla and Iorek Byrnison. god had also been leveling his pet, he had finish with Jaguar and now doing Panda and Polar Bear.


They had decided to restore the Pet AOE, but it is Nerf to 5 Target instead of 25 or 50 Target, the Cool Down also increase from 6 Second to 60 Second. This still doesn't make much different as it just make the Pet AOE as useless as the Battle Pet on Official Server, if the Nerf is 50% instead of 90% it might still be better.

As the Pet AOE is still not good enough for farming, I still spend most of my time on Immortal Boss after I finish with my daily routine. CanniBuz and his wife Violent Gypsy had got married, I also notice all of them had manage to get to Level 200 as they do not need my help with Four Realm Quest any more.

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Strawberry Generation:


They are stupid enough to start Element of Iris Event before they end the Easter Event, this had make the shortage of Inventory Space even worst. And the schedule maintenance also didn't happen, and they had decided to extend the Easter Event for another week. The Element of Iris Event also repeat the same Element we had last time, this go to show that they don't really care or put much effort on the planning of the events.

A few incident had happened during the past week, I would say it had cause a bit of drama for the almost dead server. Moza Lito had been crying for Windy Buff and doesn't seem to get any due to a lot of Buffer had been going on vacation or busy with other stuffs in their life. I also had not been active much other than doing some farming to make use of the Bunny while the event last.

She claim that Sly will PK all the Buffer if nobody buff her, and end up she got PK by Sly and blame me for it. She never understand the real reason that had led to her getting PK, it was her big mouth which offended most of the players and she push the blame to someone who doesn't even had a clue or even in anyway related to the whole incident.

It is very common that a lot of newbie start to get over their head after they had reach certain level, I remember hearing that god PK a player name Trill due to his arrogant. This is also what happen to Diesel Boy before when he thought he owned the whole server just because he became very rich by selling Iris Cash.

A lot of newbie keep asking for stuffs which they cannot afford, like +30 Weapon or Premium Stuffs from Item Mall. They keep saying they just start playing and don't have much gold, but why they still desire expensive stuffs when they could not afford it? I remember we use to make the best of what is available to us and live with +10 or +15 Weapon and using those item which drop commonly from normal mob.

We had been through a lot of hardship to achieve what we had today and all these newbie just come and demand all the best item and complain about how difficult it is for them to play without those stuffs or buffs. All these newbie will not last long and will quit easily when they encounter bottleneck and start giving up when nobody is willing to help them anymore.


Never really play much since they remove the AOE Pet, been mostly helping Speedy and CanniBuz on their leveling at Four Realm Quest. Was surprise that Lady Wolf also decided to try out this server, but notice that Zekkan only play for a while and decided to go back to Horizon. The worst is that they had reduce the Experience for Floriam Cave and remove the Monster Combo to prevent players from using an alternative method for leveling, now it had become a linear path which is set by them with no freedom of choice.

Met a new player named Try Hard, he had remind me of Cleri and Blood Mage. He kept trying to level fast and would not rest until he reach maximum level, I told him to take it easy as he do not have all the stuffs he need and it will take a lot of time to get those stuffs. I try to support him in anyway I can as I don't really use much of the stuffs I had, he was very grateful for all the help I had offer.

Speedy ask me on how to get the Wedding Ring, I told him that he can try to get the Fragment from Good Moonstone or Laca Ball using Royal Aphelion Token. He found out that he could also get the Wedding Ring from Laca Ball using the Expedition Token too, but I told him it is much harder to get as it will take a lot of luck. Since he is going to play here for long, he should be able to get at least 4 per month from the Cash he get from Voting and staying online.

As he and Anaqsunamun had a lot of Alternate, it will still take about six months to a year for all their Alternate to get married. I had see a lot of familiar name pop up on the Guardian System, it is an indication of mass migration from Horizon to here. The Website also indicate an increase in number of active players over the week, I guess it is a good sign that the community is growing.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Speedy Gonzales:




Been using two of my Raid Boss Hunter for Easter Quest to try out the Bunny Pet, never really play much as Speedy Toes and Anaqsunamun from Too High Gaming Guild had decided to join the other server. I was busy helping them with a lot of stuffs over there, but still hope they doesn't quit like what Ghost did. I still think it is better to remain and enjoy the best of both side.


I was surprise to see Anaqsunamun asking about Skill Point on World Chat, she is the only other player I know from my country. I teleport back town and found Speedy Toes at Skill Master Area, pass him two Summer Pet to help them with their leveling while I try to finish up my farming of Troll Mucus at Four Realms.

They had join a day before the New Patch, but still get to enjoy the Easter Event for a while. Since they are going to build their Too High Gaming Guild here, I decided to pass them most of my stuffs. Speedy Toes had been very helpful to Newbie back on Horizon Server, I trust that he will help a lot of Newbie here. I was surprised that CanniBuz also decided to join the server, he told me his wife Kanna Gypsy is busy with her study now and will join later. 

Very disappointed with the New Patch as they decided to remove Pet AOE, I think I will be less active here as it is too much effort to farm for stuff now. Don't think I will be leveling to Level 220, as at Level 185 is able to perform most of the function I need. I hope they will bring back Pet AOE in the near future as it really help Newbie a lot, for now we just have to rely on Legendary Pet as they got high attack.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Rabbit Foot:


They have a new patch, other than putting Bunny Leash in the Item Mall for 500 Fawkes Gems they also improve the rewards for Easter Egg. The change in rewards are as follows:

10K Gold to 1M Gold

100K Gold to 5M Gold

Potion of Haste to Super Haste Potion

Large Defense Potion to Lucky Dodge Potion

Large Attack Potion to Lucky Hit Rate Potion

Heaven Stone Grade 1 to Heaven Stone Grade 3

Candy to Chocolate

Item Drop, Skill Point and Experience Booster increase from 1 to 10

Large Experience Potion to Experience Box

The Power Potion, Medium Medicine and HP and MP Steal Potion seem to remain the same, not sure about Golden Magnifying Glass and Chaos Ball as I have never got any of it yet until now.

The Bunny need Level 20 to learn Level 1 Buff, Level 50 to learn Level 2 Buff, Level 100 to learn Level 3 Buff and Level 165 to learn Level 4 Buff. According to herowe it increase the drop rate by about 4 times. There seem to be a mixed reaction towards the Bunny Pet, some think it is not worth it as it only use once a year but some think it is still worth it as the rewards for the Easter Egg had improved.


Manage to level another 30 Horse to Level 130, it is easy while doing Immortal Boss in Juno. Last time I am worry about its starvation which will affect the leveling, but seem like it doesn't really get hungry that fast. Pet business seem to be bad since they introduce the Pet Package in Item Mall, I had switch to another better business by selling Skill Book.

The Offline Merchant Mode also prove to be very useful, I am using alternate character which I use for Immortal Boss in Dratan instead of my usual Main. I am able to leave it for long period of time and do my usual stuffs, only check on it once in a while or if it get disconnect when server crash. It really save me a lot of time when I do not have to keep setting up shop every night when I go to sleep, and other players will always know where to buy the stuffs they need after seeing the same shop selling the same stuff after some period of time.

P.S.: Chaos Ball seem to remain the same, but Golden Magnifying Glass had been change to Advance Grade Reformer.

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Egg Hunt:


Anniversary Event had ended, Easter Event had start. From the Quest Reward everything seem to be the same but only increase the quantity, didn't really see any special Laca Ball for the Bunny Pet. As the 300% Exp Event is going on for another 4 more days, might as well level up the remaining Mage to Level 25 and Knight to Level 29 as backup.

Found a weird thing, a new player named Zekkan had setup Merchant Mode exactly like Zed. Although he is not in Onwards Guild but in Too High Gaming Guild instead, but the similar setup seem suspicious to me. He might have make a bad reputation over the months and decided to change a new identity, a very obvious sign is all his old Merchant Toons cannot be found.

He had told me he ran out of Stone of Wise for Buff, think he is expecting me to give him another stack of stone. But as I did not really sell much stuffs since Christmas, I don't really have the amount of gold to sponsor him. He should be able to buy it himself with so many stuffs he had manage to farm during the Halloween and Christmas Event, and I didn't really see him buff other players much as compare to Avatar, Mother Nature and Elvis.

The amount of stuffs he farm during the event exceed the maximum amount which is possible for god, the only other players which I see able to farm that much are Rick and Blessed. They might be using a lot of stuffs to boost their speed and drop rate, or they might be using hack or multiple device. Fawkes is still unable to prevent hack until now and it had cause serious lag on the server, usually most player will reduce the Graphic Setting to the lowest and remove the BG FX to reduce lag they encounter in certain map like Ebony Mine.

But with the discovery I found last week where the old map texture are still hiding under the new map texture, it kind of contribute to the issue too. Not sure when they are going to improve or fix that, but we do encounter a lot of disconnection recently whenever we AFK for long period of time. It had affected a lot of players trying to sell their stuff in Merchant Mode, and it will further affect the economy of the game greatly.


Training Game Sage Mine Lyric had start a new type of Hide and Seek where it let the players choose the hiding spot and win rewards if no player is able to find within 15 mins. It is quiet an innovation, and I had never see such improvement since Til Death Item Bingo although it is kind of complicated. Other Game Sage also did try another type of Race Event where there are different Game Sage or Game Master station at different location to disclose the next location to the players when they reach them.

New patch will be schedule around 10th to 15th of May, other than the Level 220 Level Limit and new Weapon and Armor Set with new map as expected there seem to be more. From the sneak peak posted by Goofy, there seem to be new pet. There are also a post about him able to split into multiple character, not sure if it is a new skill available for all players or just a function only available to the Management Staffs.

I think I am able to farm more than 500K of Token, it had far exceeded the 30K which I farm during the last patch. I hope it will be able to trade for better stuffs as compare to last year, if not I will just give them away if there are nothing interesting for me. I also don't think I will be leveling my toons to Level 220 as I feel that Level 185 is already sufficient for more stuffs. Might make using of the chance to get Level 200 Set if it is available as Starter Quest like the Level 185 Set during the last patch.