Monday, August 4, 2008

Day One - From Level 1 to Level 14

A lot of gamer believe that the greatest achievement in gaming is when they achieve the highest level. But the actual fact is that achievement is a journey, not a destination.

This is the journey of Alpha Light, a Knight traveling in the world of Iris. He will inspire and help newbies along the journey and eventually becoming one of the best known Guardian and Guild Master in Last Chaos Sarissa Server.

I have chosen to be a Knight in Sarissa Server for the following reasons:

Sarissa Server is new and it is always set as the Recommended Server which give Blessed Rewards of 150% Experience Point, 150% Skill Point, 30% Item Drop Rate, Attack Boost, Defense Boost, HP and MP Recover.

Knight is a very good class with good skills, it is the only Class which can equip a Shield and give good defense. Extra Shield equip will also give extra three more Blood Seal Abilities.

And the Journey Begins:

Level 1:

Drag the Pick Up Function to F1 Button for easy activation as it is the most use Function.
Drag the Sit Down Function to F10 Button, the Guardian System Function to F8 and the Exchange Function to F7 Button.
Remove the Party Functions as I have not much use for it.
Fight my way through the Dungeon, achieve Level 2 and get a Quest to Deliver a Letter to Lorraine.

Level 2:
Open my Status and assign Status Point to my Strength Status.
Exit the Dungeon and
get a Level 6 Shirt.
Arrived at Randol Town, open my Inventory and equip the Level 6 Shirt.

Talk to
Lorraine at the South West Corner of Randol Town and get Potion of Haste.
Talk to Transmuter at North West Corner of Randol Town and Transmute the Level 1 Shirt into Level 1 Smelting Stones. Open my Inventory and drag the Level 1 Smelting Stones over my equipped Weapon and upgrade it +1.
Sold the Potion of Haste to Armour Trader as I have not much use for it.
Talk to Healer Yabo at North East Corner of Randol Town twice to get Deer and Fox Hunting Quests.

Exit the North Gate and Hunt Deer until I get 6 Gravel Stones, achieve Level 3 and get a Quest for Transmuting Smelting Stone.

PS: Manage to get Hand of Bravery which reward a Large Attack Potion and three HP Recovery Potion at my second kill, very lucky indeed.

Level 3:
Open my Status and assign Status Point to my Strength Status.
Talk to Healer Yabo at North East Corner of Randol Town and get 100 Golds.
Talk to
Lorraine at the South West Corner of Randol Town and get a Level 1 Shield.
Talk to Transmuter at North West Corner of Randol Town to Transmute the Level 1 Shield into Level 1 Smelting Stones. Drag the Level 1 Smelting Stones over my equipped Weapon to upgrade it to +2.
Sold the three Potion of Haste to Armour Trader as I have not much use for it.
Exit the North Gate and Hunt Fox until I get 10 Fox Fur, achieve Level 4 and get a Quest for Scroll of Memorization.

Level 4:
Open my Status and assign Status Point to my Strength Status.
Talk to Healer Yabo at North East Corner of Randol Town and get two Potion of Haste.
Talk to Healer Yabo again for Wolf Hunting Quest.
Talk to
Lorraine at the South West Corner of Randol Town and get a Scroll of Memorization.
Sold the two Potion of Haste and Scroll of Memorization to Armour Trader as I have not much use for it.
Exit the North Gate and Hunt Wolf until I get 12 Wolf Tooth continue to Hunt Fox until achieve Level 5 to get more Skill Point and a Quest for Collecting Zeta Wave Energy.

PS: Got a Drake Egg and a Level 7 Boot from Wolf. Open my Inventory and equip the Level 7 Boot. Did not carry out the Pet Quest as I did not have any Tool Aids to Harvest Green Herb Leaf to heal Pet and Quality Stone to feed Pet. Horse is also a better choice as compare to Dragon because of the Attack and Defense Buffs Abilities as compare to the Dragon Flame and Poison Abilities.

Level 5:
Open my Status and assign Status Point to my Strength Status.
Open my Inventory and equip the Energy Collector to Harvest Zeta Energy Wave at the Energy Field.
Talk to Healer Yabo at North East Corner of Randol Town and get three Potion of Haste.
Talk to
Lorraine at the South West Corner of Randol Town and get three Potion of Haste.
Talk to Master Knight at West Corner of
Randol Town and Learn Canid Fence Passive Skill to Level 5.
Talk to Transmuter at North West Corner of Randol Town to Transmute the Level 1 Boot into Level 1 Smelting Stones. Drag the Level 1 Smelting Stones over my equipped Weapon to upgrade it to +3.
Sold the six Potion of Haste and Scroll of Memorization to Armour Trader as I have not much use for it.
Buy a Level 9 Weapon from Weapon Trader and equip. Drop the Level 1 +3 Weapon for newbie to pick up.
Exit the North Gate and hunt Wolf until achieve Level 6 and get a Quest for Collecting Yellow Herb Leaf.

Level 6:
Open my Status and assign Status Point to my Strength Status.
Open my Inventory and equip the Knife to Harvest Yellow Herb Leaf at the Herb Farm.
Talk to
Lorraine at the South West Corner of Randol Town and get three Potion of Haste.
Sold the three Potion of Haste to Armour Trader as I have not much use for it.
Exit the North Gate and hunt Elder Wolf until achieve Level 7 and get a Quest for Collecting Flawed Stone.

Level 7:
Open my Status and assign Status Point to my Strength Status.
Open my Inventory and equip the Pick Axe to Harvest Flawed Stone at the Stone Mine.
Talk to
Lorraine at the South West Corner of Randol Town and get three Potion of Haste.
Sold the three Potion of Haste to Armour Trader as I have not much use for it.
Exit the North Gate and hunt Dire Wolf until achieve Level 8.

PS: Met a Level 6 Titan named Zavier, he was from South Africa and he was very helpful and friendly to me. This was his third Character and he had use the Trade Function to transfer two Accessories and some Minerals to me. I open the my Messenger and add him to my Friend List.

Level 8:
Open my Status and assign Status Point to my Strength Status.
Talk to Merchant Geres at West Corner of Randol to get Jaguar Hunting Quest.
Talk to Captain
Leon at West Gate three time to get Absorption, Herbalism and Mining Skill Quests.
Talk to
Lorraine at the South West Corner of Randol Town three times and get nine Potion of Haste.
Sold the three Potion of Haste to Armour Trader as I have not much use for it.
Exit the North Gate and hunt Jaguar until I get 10 Jaguar Claw.
Talk to Merchant Geres at West Corner of Randol and get 500 Golds.
Exit the North Gate and hunt Dire Wolf until achieve Level 9 and get a Quest to Deliver a Letter to Armor Trader Bant.

Level 9:
Open my Status and assign Status Point to my Strength Status.
Talk to
Lorraine at the South West Corner of Randol Town and get Absorption, Herbalism and Mining Skill Quests.
Exit the North Gate, Harvest Zeta Energy Wave, Yellow Herb Leaf and Flawed Stone.
Talk to
Lorraine at the South West Corner of Randol Town three times and get nine Potion of Haste.
Buy a Level 13 Weapon from Weapon Trader and equip.
Talk to Teleporter Eteal at East Corner of Randol Town and Teleport to
Dratan City.
Talk to Armor Trader Bant at South Corner of Dratan City and get 500 Golds.

Talk to Teleporter Kim at North East Corner of Dratan City and Teleport back to
Randol Town.
Exit the North Gate and hunt Berserk Wolf until achieve Level 10.

PS: The two hours Sunday Tea Time Event had help me a lot from Level 5 to 9 with 200% Skill Point and 150% Experience Point.

Level 10:
Open my Status and assign Status Point to my Strength Status.
Talk to
Lorraine at the South West Corner of Randol Town to open Event Treasure Chest.
Talk to Master Knight at West Corner of
Randol Town and Learn Uncanny Movement and Quick Recovery Passive Skills to Level 4.
Buy Level 15 Glove from Armour Trader and equip.
Buy two Level 17 Weapon from Weapon Trader.
Talk to Transmuter at North West Corner of Randol Town to Transmute the two Level 17 Weapon into four Level 17 Smelting Stones. Drag the Level 17 Smelting Stones over my equipped Level 15 Glove to upgrade it to +3.
Use Moon Stone on Moon Statue to get Physical and Magical, Attack and Defense Minerals.
Open Status and drag the Merchant Mode Function to F9 Button, activate Merchant Mode to sell Minerals I get from Moon Statue.

Open Guardian System, Renew Guardian List and Apprentice Application so that I will Level to Level 20 in 10 Days and get a Level 21 Event Weapon.
Exit the North Gate and hunt Berserk Wolf until achieve Level 11.

PS: I was hoping that I get the Level 13 +4 Weapon from the Treasure Chest Event, but I got the 30,000 Golds instead. But it is better if I get the most common five Candy which could only be sold at 30,000 Golds each in Merchant Mode which will allow me make 150,000 Golds. Even the Level 13 +4 Weapon will only worth about 40,000 Golds.

Just in time to break for my lunch when I reach Level 10 and able to activate it. I usually keep ten Large Attack and Defense Potion, Level 12 Physical Defense, Magical Defense and Physical Attack Minerals for my later use. Level 12 Physical Defense can sell for 100,000 Golds, Physical and Magical Attack can sell for 25,000 Gold, Magical Defense can sell for 15,000 Golds. Large Attack and Defense Potion can sell for 50,000 Golds.

I have chosen a Temple Knight named Ashlan as my Guardian initially, but he did not acknowledge my
Apprentice Application. I later chose another Temple Knight named Rumacho as my Guardian. Rumacho immediately added me to his Friend List in his Messenger and ask me if I need any help on Leveling. Never really like Power Leveling as I will loose out on my Skill Point. Learning Skills especially Passive Skills is the basic foundation of a good Character Build and it will benefit on the long run.

Level 11:
Open my Status and assign Status Point to my Strength Status.
Talk to Master Knight at West Corner of Randol Town and Learn Uncanny Movement Passive Skill to Level 5.
Buy Level 16 Shirt and Pant from Armour Trader and equip.
Buy three Level 17 Weapon from Weapon Trader.
Talk to Transmuter at North West Corner of Randol Town to Transmute the three Level 17 Weapon into six Level 17 Smelting Stones. Drag the Level 17 Smelting Stones over my equipped Level 16 Shirt and Pant to upgrade it to +3.
Exit the North Gate and hunt Jaguar until achieve Level 12.

PS: Manage to get Hand of Warrior
which reward a Heaven Stone and three Potion of Haste after a few kill, guess Lady Luck is always standing by my side. I always believe in doing good deeds as it will always bring me good luck, it seem to be very true in the world of Iris.

Got two Tool Aids and a Pan Flute from killing Jaguar too, now I can Harvest 27 Green Herb Leaf and Quality Stone each and start my Pet Quest to get myself a Pony.

Met my Titan friend Zavier again, he is now Level 9. I switch to my Level 22 Titan named Omega Darkness and give him a Level 13 +3 Weapon. Omega Darkness is the exact translation of Last Chaos, as Alpha Light is the direct opposite of it which means First Order. I have try to form a Guild named First Order but the name is already in use by other people, so I finally manage to use First Knight instead. Actually I was thinking of naming my Guild White Knight, but that would mean I would have to get the White Pet Coloring Crystal which cost more than 1,000,000 Golds. What about Omega Darkness? His Guild is named Unity, it sound good and it is some how related to The Beast in the Bible.

Level 12:
Open my Status and assign Status Point to my Strength Status.
Talk to Master Knight at West Corner of Randol Town and Learn Quick Recovery Passive Skill to Level 5.
Talk to Lorraine at the South West Corner of Randol Town to start the Pet Quest.
Buy Level 17 Helmet, Boot and Shield from Armour Trader and equip.
Buy five Level 17 Weapon from Weapon Trader.
Talk to Transmuter at North West Corner of Randol Town to Transmute the five Level 17 Weapon into ten Level 17 Smelting Stones. Drag the Level 17 Smelting Stones over my equipped Level 17 Helmet, Boot and Shield to upgrade it to +3.
Talk to Teleporter Eteal at East Corner of Randol Town and Teleport to Dartan City.
Talk to Archaeologist Jajan at West Corner of Dratan City and get Pony.

Open my Status and drag Pet Item Pickup Function to F2 Button.
Talk to Teleporter Kim at North East Corner of Dratan City and Teleport back to Randol Town.
Open my Inventory and equip Pony. Equip Knife and Pick Axe and drag Tool Aids over it to upgrade it to Boost Knife and Pick Axe.
Exit the North Gate
and Harvest Green Herb Leaf and Quality Stone with Boost Knife and Pick Axe equipped.
Double Click Quality Stone ten times to feed Pony from 50% to 100%.
Talk to Merchant Geres at West Corner of Randol to get Hunter Dranore Quest.
Talk to Hunter Dranore at South Corner of Juno and get three Potion of Haste.
Talk to Hunter Dranore again and get the Sasquatch Hunting Quest.
Hunt Sasquatch until I get 10 Sasquatch Fur.
Talk to Hunter Dranore at South Corner of Juno and get 500 Golds.
Sold the three Potion of Haste to Armour Trader as I have not much use for it.
Hunt Jaguar until achieve Level 13.

PS: Ran out of Green Herb Leaf halfway through this level, went back to Randol town to stock up and sell some stuff while I take a break and have my dinner.

Level 13:
Open my Status and assign Status Point to my Strength Status.
Pony achieve Level 2, talk to Pet Trainer and learn Pet Skill Increase Power to Level 1.
Buy Level 17 Weapon from Weapon Trader and equip.
Buy two another Level 17 Weapon from Weapon Trader.
Talk to Transmuter at North West Corner of Randol Town to Transmute the two Level 17 Weapon into four Level 17 Smelting Stones. Drag the Level 17 Smelting Stones over my equipped Level 17 Weapon to upgrade it to +3.
Talk to Hunter Dranore and get the Werewolf Hunting Quest.
Hunt Werewolf until I get 20 Werewolf Head.
Talk to Hunter Dranore at South Corner of Juno and get 1000 Golds.
Hunt Jaguar until achieve Level 14.

PS: Met a Mage name prince killer, she want to Party with me but was rejected. She Kill Steal a few Jaguar from me and left after calling me a Noob. Open my Messenger and add her to my Block List.

Met a Knight name Skeleton Guard, he want to Party with me too but was also rejected. He ask for some Healing Potions, I give him two and he leave me in peace.

Level 14:
Open my Status and assign Status Point to my Strength Status.
Pony achieve Level 3, talk to Pet Trainer and learn Pet Skill Increase Power to Level 2.
Talk to Lorraine at the South West Corner of Randol Town to open Event Treasure Chest.

PS: I get the ten Attack Potion from the Treasure Chest Event instead of 50,000 Golds. The Attack Potion could only be sold in Merchant Mode at 50,000 Golds each which will allow me to make 500,000 Golds. The most common ten Candy which could only be sold at 30,000 Golds each in Merchant Mode which will only allow me make 300,000 Golds.

It is late night by the time I finished writing this post and by then I had make my first million in Merchant Mode after buying twenty Tool Aids at 15,000 Golds each and selling at 25,000 Golds each. I have also stock up my Green Herb Leaf and Quality Stone to more than two hundreds so that it would easily last me longer and does not need to go back to town to restock.

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