Monday, August 18, 2008

From Level 33 to Level 34

Level 33:
Hunt Beserker at Merac until achieve Level 34.

PS: It took me almost a week to complete this Level, because I decided to take things a little bit slower. I decided to hunt Sand Golem which is five Level lower than me, because of the Origami Event. Although it does not give much Experience Point to me, but I was able to kill it with two to three hits. I have to kill almost 10,000 Sand Golem to complete this Level, but because of the large amount of monster I had kill I manage to get large amount of drops too.

Manage to get a seven Hand of Brave, three Hand of Protection, one Hand of Guard, two Hand of Warrior and seven Heaven Stone during this Level, this will be the most rewarding Level in the entire history of the game.

Horse manage to gain three Level and I manage to get the Level 37 +10 Weapon to +15 during the first Upgrade Probability Event. At the second Upgrade Probability Event, I manage to sell 15 Heaven Stone at 150% of the normal price for 900,000 Golds each.

Level 34 Temple Knight with Level 37 +15 Holy Spiritual Sword at Merac

Manage to get Dragon Scale for 1,500,000 Golds, Dragon Tooth for 3,000,000 Golds and Dragon Marrow for 8,500,000, I went to Animal Trainer to get my Dragon Weapon the Dragon Flame Sword.

Level 34 Temple Knight with Dragon Flame Sword at Merac

Two Level 2 Sorcerer named montoge and way 2 good choose me as their Guardian, they are real life brothers from United State of America. I transfer six good Accessories to them which will help them a lot. Try to help them level by party with them, but because of the huge differences in our Level they only manage to get one Experience Point and Skill Point with every monster I kill. So I had no choice but to let them go Solo, but it will be better for them on the long run too.

A Level 10 Rogue named General Red seek my help when I was doing my usual shopping in Randol Town, she ask if she could borrow 5,000 Golds to buy some Equipments. I give it to her while other turn her away, she add me to her Friend List and make me her Guardian. as usual I give her three good Accessories to help her with her training. She manage to reach Level 18 when I finish this Level.

I give montoge 3 Treant Fruit and 5 Horn Beast Eye to help him with his Quest when he was Level 17. He manage to achieve Level 20 in just two days and complete his Apprentice Training, he kind of won my Best Apprentice Award and was given a Level 25 +4 Weapon and a Heaven Stone for him to upgrade his Event Weapon from +3 to +4.

Met a Knight named Pro Knight 55 and a Sorcerer named babo spite from Hunter Team Guild when I was hunting Sand Golem. Pro Knight was doing the Soft Sand Quest and ask if I got 9 Soft Sand to spare him, as Soft Sand was very common drop and I had got more than 500 of them I give it to him. Later he came back and ask for 5 Cracked Axe for his other Quest too, I give it to him too as I was feeling generous because I just got my Level 37 +15 Weapon and Dragon Weapon. His other Guild Member bobo spite came and ask for money, I told him off and add him to my Block List.

Manage to craft a Level 1 +4 Glowing Weapon and Level 1 +4 Fairy Armour Set during this Level, it is another great achievement which will be useful for hiding my true potential.

Level 34 Temple Knight disguise as a Noob with Level 1 +4 Glowing Weapon and Level 1 +4 Fairy Armour Set at Merac

Level 34:
Open my Status and assign three Status Points to my Strength Status.
Horse achieve Level 25 , talk to Pet Trainer and learn Pet Skill Increase Power to Level 24.
Talk to Border Guard at South West Corner of Ketone Village to get the Berserker Hunting Quest.
Hunt 20 Berserker in Merac.
Talk to Border Guard at South West Corner of Ketone Village and get 80,000 Golds.

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